Interbike 2012 — Chrome Wins, Cliff Bar 2nd

September 27, 2012

Best Booth Goes to Chrome

Tradeshows are all about brand penetration. Getting attendees to come to your booth and want to interact or stay is the name of the game. So many companies try gimmicks like booth bunnies (slutty chicks hired to work the booth), glitz and glam. All show, no brand. Chrome really hit a brand home run. The booth was extremely well branded, highly interactive with product placed in a careful and unobtrusive fashion enabling visitors to truly interact with it without feeling a sales push. This resulted in visitors piled into the Chrome area and almost parked there for 30 mins or more. You could try on and buy shoes at pro-deal pricing, shop the line of clothes and bags, listen to the DJ, drink at the bar, buy art prints, use the iPads on the backside of the displays, layout your own screen printed Chrome shirt, get a custom bag made, or just sit and relax on one of the many picnic tables. Good work, Chrome.

Chrome Cash Bar

Chrome Cash Bar

Custom Bags Made On Site

The Picnic Tables

Silk Screen Yo

Silk Screen Yo

Chrome Retail Experience

Chrome Retail Experience

Bags Made On Site

Bags Made On Site

Best Booth Runner Up — Cliff Bar

Why Cliff Bar? Lots of the same reasons as with Chrome. More specifically, lots of obvious earthy materials used in the booth design. Not to mention really nice creative on the booth. Great sampling bars and interaction from the bar tenders in regards to product. Most of all, the 20 year anniversary logo / signage thanking all of us for the support.

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The Floor of the Booth

The Floor of the Booth

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