June 3, 2013
Punishing. Not a course for beginners. Rocks everywhere. A 3 minute rock garden. Hardest DH course I’ve seen in the series to date. Kyle Sharp said it best: “This is an old skool DH course.” He was right. Mountain Creek built it fresh and the GES broke it in. The tough course scared off first timers. Rumor has it the course was cleaned up over night. It was much faster in the AM.
My race weekend started at 7:30 am on Saturday. Woke up and saw one other dood starting a hike up the course. It was Lane. We walked the course together. I listened to his line choices while he made moto sounds to describe his speed through each section. Then we reminded each other that black bear are indigenous to the mountains in Vernon, NJ. Sure enough, 100 yards away, there was a black bear. We looked at each other. Lane, still a bit tipsy from the night before, snickered “Shit man, there’s a bear hahahhaha.” I was worried enough by the course, let alone being mauled on a walk. The bear went its own way. We went ours. Totally uncomfortable feeling.
Come practice, we recruited a new team member – Patrick Looney. A ripper riding Cat 2 19-29. His energy level is paralleled by few and we love it. He pushes for more and more runs including plenty of fun runs. We rode Dominion to warm up. Hit the Covenant drop and the cannon right after it. Boosted the confidence and energy levels. Exactly what was needed to get on the course and feel strong. Best part of practice was riding with Monger, Patrick and Anne. Really fun to watch their line choices, especially Anne. All of us took pointers from her. Thanks, A.
Being a sponsor has its perks. We were set up at the finish line on the astro turf. A really comfortable spot where we could see everyone and relax. Practice ate up most of our team. Looney ate it. Monger ate it. Stuller ate it. Lessner ate it. It was hard to go fast. Come race day, Stuller was on a burner. He crashed and finished just in front of me in 7th. I took 8th. Gary took 11th. Pat Looney took second, Monger finished his race run despite a rough practice including a blow to the noggin. He came in last but gets massive props for finishing it out. Justin may have had 3rd podium but he wrecked and that’s racing.
Anne won. That makes three in a row for her. Big congrats! However… there were not enough ladies in pro women’s to award points. B.S.! Ladies, you gotta get out there and rep! Talking you to you, Amy Leishear! Stay healthy and go pro already. Logan was on a burner and got edged off the hot seat by Alejandro (riding the Morpheus). Alejandro rides the UCI circuit when he can get himself to races and has finished as well as mid-pack. The kid’s fast. Lane Boertmann rode out no chain and still won Cat 1 men’s. Siiiick. A native of Tom’s River, NJ, Lane wanted this one bad. And deserved it. Lane wasn’t the only one. Taylor also broke a chain and came down pumping her suspension to go faster. At least three broken chains this race and all riders crossed despite the mechanical. Amazing.
Welcome to the Team, Patrick Looney
A Nasty Digger Left Pat's Right Arm Rashed and Cut
Our Spot at the Finish Line
The New Team Tent. Shady!
Mike Karfakis at the Top on a Practice Run
Integrity's New Race Day Kit. 'Merica!
Gary, Race Run
Gary Into a Final Corner
Lane in the Hot Seat.
Alejandro Ortiz, Pro Men's Hot Seat
Cat 2 Men's 19-29. CONGRATS PATRICK!
Men's Cat 1 Men's 30-39. Congrats Lane.
Men's Pro Podium. Congrats All!
The Lovely Ladies of DH. Congrats Anne!
The Gold & Silver
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