February 28, 2010
NAHBS 2010 took place in Richmond, VA this weekend at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. For those that aren’t familiar with this industry event, it’s basically the Interbike for handmade bike frames, parts, and even gear. Everything from wooden bikes to leather riding shoes and custom designed / machined parts from manufacturers like Sylvan Wood Composites, Dromarti Leather, and White Industries. The event is much, much smaller than Interbike. It takes up a fraction of the space and can be walked within a few hour’s time. The average booth is a 10′ x 10′ with minimal effort put into the booth design. 90% of the exhibitors are master frame builders who do not market heavily. Their is branding unpolished and the use of AOL and Gmail accounts runs rampant. Some exhibitors do not even have web sites yet. But you’re not there for the marketing glitz. What you’re there for stands out and markets itself. And it’s well worth the trip to see some of these fascinating works of art. Check it out. Here’s 60-plus pics along with the designer’s responsible and links to their web sites.
The Frame Shot With Flash
The Frame Shot Without Flash
Inspired by Forged Armor and Weaponry
Alexis Dold, Master Builder, Proudly Admires His Work
The Lawn Mower Cycle - A Commissioned Build that's Being Improved this Year
This is the First Time the Public Has Seen This Build
Uses a Wood Composite for Strength & Duability
A Great Concept - Shaped Like a #2 Pencil
Handmade From Wood - Sylvan Buys These From a Builder Overseas
Bottom Bracket and Frame Union Sylvan's Wooden Frames Use
Moots XZ Full Suspension Frame - Sweet
Moots XZ Showing Some Pink
Moots Rigormoots Snow Bike
The Rims are Custom Painted on the Rigormoots
Impecable Welds. Simply Stunning.
Kimori Commuter Bike - Good for Up to 250 lbs
Roughly 2" of Front Travel From This Set Up
Elastomer Stack Offers Some Give But No Real Travel
A Tough Looking All Black Fixed Gear
A Commissioned Build - One of a Kind
This Bike was Built for Abuse and Hard Trail Riding
Internally Geared Rear Hub
Custom Build Circa 1975
Integrated Pump w/ Matching Paint
Internal Cable Routing
Custom Hub Kit - Select A Sleeve - Wood or Metal or Dream One Up
One-of-kind Cable Brake - Beautiful
Craig Calfee (front) Interacting with an Interested Crowd
Black Sheep Founder and Master Builder - James w/ a Tasty Burger
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